387/2A, Victoria Extension Road,
Thoothukudi - 628002,
Tamilnadu, India.

About Us

The Only Place for Academic Excellence

Straddling a timeline of a hundred years, since its founding by the Holy Cross sisters, Holy Cross Anglo-Indian School has educated thousands of girl students, empowering them to evolve into women of substance. Be they doctors, engineers, teachers, nurses, homemakers, scientists or corporate administrators, Crossians have always make their mark.

Every stone in our sprawling campus has a story to tell - of the vision of the founding sisters and the courage and commitment of a succession of women principals who over the decades pioneered gender equality and emancipator values in these hallowed portals long before such concepts became part of the collective public consciousness.

At Holy Cross, our rich legacy of all-round education inspires us to even greater heights of excellence, preparing our students from nursery through junior and high school for challenges that lie ahead.

By the grace of God, we shall continue to provide a learning environment that fires the imagination, inspires the intellect and ennobles the glorious human spirit.

Above all, we want the school to be a happy place; a heaven of learning, sharing and caring to which every child and every member of the staff is happy to come to every morning.


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Correspondent's Message

All praise and glory to the Lord Almighty. I thank the Lord profoundly for His unfathomable kindness and mercy in designing a perfect plan for our school and helping us to execute it and turn it into reality for more than eleven decades. During this pandemic, education is an exploration of ourselves as we journey through every step of our lived experience by means of personal and intellectual analysis. Education enriches our minds and opens the door to new people, places and ways of thinking and reasoning. Education should not be the barrier to experience God in our lives; He will take care of everything else. The value-based education given in our school helps our students to focus on God and helps them to face the challenges of life and to surmount their conflicts; to go beyond the tumult and to anchor themselves in all circumstances. We believe that every child has power within her. Our staff enables our children to discover these inner life-forces and use them with freedom and responsibility. The wisdom and knowledge that they acquire in school leads them to compassionate solidarity and celebration of life. We aim at giving an all-round development encouraging positive social behavior, emphasizing harmonious personality fostering human relations and respect for others developing a sense of confidence and the zest to do their work diligently. I really appreciate an enthusiastic, motivated dedicated and talented staff and non-teaching staff who work tirelessly and selflessly to give their best to bring out the best from the children. May God bless each and every effort that they put in for the all-round development of our children? We aim at giving an all-round development encouraging positive social behavior, emphasizing harmonious personality fostering human relations and respect for others developing a sense of confidence and the zest to do their work diligently. I really appreciate an enthusiastic, motivated dedicated and talented staff and non-teaching staff who work tirelessly and selflessly to give their best to bring out the best from the children. May God bless each and every effort that they put in for the all-round development of our children?

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Headmistress's Message

With the blessings of the Almighty , the maternal care of our beloved Mother Mary Holy Cross Anglo – Indian Higher Secondary School with the vision of its founders - Mother Claudine and Peter Mermier we move forward with optim and courage towards the great task of educating young minds and instilling values for life. This institution is very dear to every Crossian. It is because it records not just the images of buildings but the “WAY” in which every student captures the delicious flavour of school life with its outstanding results and achievements in academics ; sports and co – curricular activities. A society or nation is best served when its members are educated rather than kept ignorant and illiterate. The School is blessed with a teaching faculty who are dedicated, sincere and hardworking. They motivate the students to receive a positive educational experience and to have a passion for learning right from their primary school journey. The innovative methods of teaching help students to grasp and understand the subject concepts better and more importantly to make the learning process interesting and school life an enjoyable one. Some of our teachers absolutely give a lifetime impact on the students. One of the most important contributing factor to enhance our students success rate is motivating them to do well and believe they can do well. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but an habit. Efforts are also taken to reach out to parents and work more closely with them to ensure the well – being of the children. We encourage teacher – parent relationship in our child’s learning journey. With the disciplinary , firm and encouraging approach, despite their busy schedule, teachers find time to inform parents of the child’s progress and to discuss issues related to the problems and challenges faced by them. There is a prompt follow –up and the outcome certainly aligns with the school’s core values. Sports and co – curricular activities play an integral role in the holistic development of the student’s personality. To excel in every walk of life, students are involved in various competitions, school activities and creative pursuits. Therefore at Holy Cross the focus is on developing the spirit of healthy competition through fun – loving, interesting and useful activities. Students enjoy sports activities to the utmost.

Our Vision, Mission & Motto

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

As sisters of the Cross, we commit ourselves through the ministry of education, to form integrated and responsible persons, who in turn will become agents of social change through their active involvement in the lives of people, respecting the sacredness of every person and nature.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

The primary aim of this institution is :

  • To provide an inclusive education that will empower our students with the knowledge and skills that make them economically independent and socially responsible.
  • To organise activities that will inculcate in them the values that make them responsible citizens.
  • To create opportunities that will enhance the personalities of our learners to enable them to contribute to the development of the nation and the whole human society.
  • To live and cherish the two great values of the school motto – “Love and Serve”.
Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Our Motto ‘Love and Serve’ is a real programme of the Crossian life and an ideal to be realized. Therefore we would like to give you the meanings depth and significance of the Crossian Blazon.

  • The blazon is divided by a vertical line into two equal parts of different colours red and blue.
  • The bright red stands for the blood and fire of Christ. It symbolizes the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The cross symbolizes Calvary and the Rays remind us of our continued participation in the death and resurrection of Christ in the events of our daily life.
  • Blue stands for the humility of Mother Mary.
  • Letter ‘M’ symbolizes Mother Mary. To signify more forcefully the Blessed Virgin the letter ‘M’ is topped with a star. This reminds us of our Protector Mother Mary and her continual guidance in our lives.
  • The Anchor between the two partitions symbolizes Hope in the radiant cross and in the Blessed Virgin Mary.

School Song

" O come all ye children of Holy Cross
And fill the air with praise,
To Jesus our Lord and our God all hail
All hail today and always
Beneath thy dear Cross O Jesus
Sure we wish to work and be
Be Thou our way, our Truth our Life
Until we come to Thee.
O Let us be blithe and gay of heart
Amid this care – worn world
For happy are we mid these hallowed walls
Beneath Christ’s banner unfurled.
The Cross is our banner truly
So we must follow it always
For is not the school where we work and learn
The school of the Holy Cross."

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Rules & Regulations

Conduct and Decorum

The school expects every student to maintain proper decorum and good behaviour at all times, to keep the high tone of the school. Bad language, bullying and disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. Students against whom there are repeated complaints or who are unable or unwilling to benefit from the system of education are liable for suspension or expulsion.

Regularity and Punctuality

  • School begins at 8.45 a.m. and closes at 4.10 p.m.
  • Students must be in school before 8.40 a.m.

Payment of Fees

  • Fees shall be paid at the beginning of each term through online mode
  • Any issues regarding online payment can be clarified in the school office on working days from 9 a.m to 12 noon and 2p.m to 4p.m. excluding Saturdays.
  • Fees shall be paid on the dates specified. No pupil will be allowed to sit for an examination if fees are in arrears. Late payment will attract a penalty.

School Uniform

  • The school uniform is a sacred and prized possession of a student. It symbolizes the ethos and culture of the school, of which the student is an integral part. Any violation of its sanctity calls for firm disciplinary action. Visit to restaurants, cinema, multiplexes other public places etc. in school uniform is a serious breach of discipline inviting action.
  • The length of pinafore should be two inches below the knee. The pattern of the uniform should be followed very strictly. White Ribbon, White Socks, and Black Shoes are to be worn daily.
  • Students are expected to come to school in the prescribed uniform and to be smartly groomed.
  • Wearing slippers to school is strictly forbidden. Black Sandals should be worn only on rainy days.

Personal Appearance

Students’ hair should always be neatly groomed and tied. Any kind of make-up, nail polish, applying mehendi is not allowed. Colouring of hair, inappropriate hair-styling and body tattoes are not permissible. Eye make-up, fancy hair clips and ear-rings are strictly prohibited.


The father or guardian should accompany the child for admission. Original Birth Certificate, T.C and the Community Certificate must be produced at the time of admission.


  • Application for a transfer certificate should be made in writing by the parent, two days in advance after paying all fees due to the school. If a student wishes to apply for the Transfer Certificate during the academic year, the full year’s fees will have to be remitted.
  • No T.C. will be issued before the promotion results are announced.

Examinations and Promotions

  • Students absent from examinations without grave reason will be considered as failed.
  • Malpractices in examination will be viewed seriously. Offenders will be marked zero and they are likely to be suspended/ expelled
  • No recommendations of any sort will be taken into account for promotion. Hard work throughout the year is the only criterion.
  • A student who has to repeat the class for a third year will have to leave the school.

Attendance and Leave of Absence

  • Written application for leave of absence must be sent to the class teachers, before availing leave.
  • Students will not be given leave for various functions and ceremonies.
  • Prior permission should be obtained for more than two days of absence.
  • Habitual late coming and habitual absence will result in dismissal.

School Diary/Calendar/Reports

  • Every pupil must possess a copy of the school diary which must be brought daily to school.
  • Parents should examine the calendar daily, sign any remark made by the teachers or the Headmistress and make sure that the home-work is completed.
  • Reports on progress, application and conduct will be issued periodically. Parents are requested to sign these and return them to the concerned teachers.

Parental Interference

  • Parents are not allowed to see the children or interview teachers during school hours. In exceptional cases and in emergencies they may visit their wards after obtaining permission from the Headmistress.
  • Parents are expected to attend all Parent-Teacher Meetings and collect the report cards without fail.

Contraband Items

  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable books, newspapers, periodicals and cell phones into the school.
  • Children using mobile phones or found signing into social network will be penalised and the gadgets will be confiscated.

General rules

  • Pupils must take care of their belongings and avoid bringing expensive watches, pens and valuables to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of articles.
  • Once students enter the campus they should not leave the premises during school hours, without the permission of the Headmistress.
  • Private tuition is discouraged and the teachers are not permitted to tutor students of the school without permission.
  • No student will be exempted from physical exercise and games.
  • Parents are requested to send their children neat and clean to school, in full uniform and always in time.
  • Any destruction or defacing of the school property will not be tolerated and must be made good by those responsible.
  • Breakage in the laboratories and loss of books in the library must be compensated/replaced.

School History

All great works of God have humble beginnings and so too the Holy Cross Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School, like the mustard seed of the Gospel, sprouted and grew slowly but surely. Today it is a mighty tree with innumerable birds nesting in its branches. Our history began on a bright day, the 10th of August, 1904, when four valiant French Women, in the white habit of the Sisters of the Cross - Sisters Julie, Colette, Mary Francois and Josephine, our noble and indefatigable pioneers, raised their hearts in praise and thanks giving to God, who through His Church had entrusted to them the task of founding the Holy Cross European School At Tuticorin.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

As our chronicles show the school has maintained a high academic excellence from the very outset. The students received an all round training, under able Headmistress like

With the departure of the European children, the school came to be known as the Holy Cross Anglo-Indian School. Several thousands, in various walks of life, have passed through the portals of this school and looking back, can proudly say,

“Next to God and my Parents, this school has made me what I am”

Mother Founder

Our Mother Founder Sr. Claudine Echernier was born to Francis Echernier and Anne Dutrel in a village called “ver le creux” – Chavanod, France on the 29th of May 1801. Francis Echernier gave himself from morning to evening which earned the bread for the family. They did not have the means to care for the education of their family. The parents taught the children to fear the Good God; they advised them to be good. That was all they could do. Claudine was placed as a shepherd in the home of a peasant called “Maillet” at Champanges. It was here that she learnt to read and write. About the age of 15 she had the misfortune of losing her mother and had to replace her in tending her brothers and sisters. On 14th October 1828, Fr. Joseph was appointed parish priest of Chavanod and Claudine was appointed as the house maid of the parish priest. Claudine was 27 years when she went to the parish of Chavanod. Her only pre-occupation was to know the will of God for her and accomplish it. She then became a mistress of a small school teaching boys and girls.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Year of Forming the Congregation -1838

It will be difficult to enumerate all the kinds of mortifications our saintly mother encountered and the virtues she practiced to overcome them. The virtues of our venerated Mother founder, Claudine Echernier are

Love of Jesus Christ Our mother loved our Lord with an ardent and generous spirit, which manifested itself in her words, and many times by the tears she shed before the Blessed Sacrament and before the Crucifix

Faith was her driving power, her consolation and her hope. Mother possessed admirably the marvelous art of seeing God in all things; in creatures, in events, in everything and everywhere. A sister seeing her pulling out the weeds in the garden showed her surprise: Our Mother replied, “I Love this work very much, it reminds me about my poor heart, where there are always useless plants to uproot”.

Our venerated mother understood perfectly well that Prayer is one of the most essential obligations of the religious life and She spent long hours before the ‘Blessed Sacrament’.

Trust in Divine Providence. We can say that our mother practiced this virtue to a supreme degree. Her rule of conduct was, “To do the will of God in everything”.

Devotion to Mary Mother Claudine’s devotion to Mother Mary was remarkable ‘Do like me, never cease praying to the Holy Virgin’ but above all imitate her in her humility, her modesty, and her simplicity.

Centenary Celebration

“ What marvels the Lord, worked for us, Indeed we are glad”

Holy Cross is celebrating its Centenary and we have a variety of events planned to take place from its inaugural on 15th October 2014 to honour this great milestone. A big thank you to God who guided us to reach this important milestone namely 100 years in the field of education that too of girls. Holy Cross aims at inculcating in students a sound philosophy of life based on faith in God, an academic competence that shapes the woman of tomorrow, a deep respect for the human person, formation of values an awareness of society and problems-related to justice, peace and equality.

In a world of knowledge explosion, information technology and stiff competition, it is our prayer today, that the students who come out of Holy Cross may make a difference in the society through them.

Today as we relish the Harvest of the seeds sown by our founders, the French nuns, Sr. Julie, Sr. Collette, Sr. Mary Francois and Sr. Josephine, let us pay homage to them in their own mother tongue, in ten heart felt words, denoting the ten decades of excellence:

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Nous, nous inclinons devant vous nos che’res Soeurs de Croix

May God continue to bless
The efforts of ALL as we
Begin the ‘Second Century’
At out dear school.

We wish and pray that Holy Cross may continue to shine as a beacon of light dispelling the darkness of ignorance and lighting up the right path for all those who pass through its portals.

“To God, be the Glory”.


  • The Centenary Celebrations of our school commenced with a colorful ceremony on the 15th of October (Friday).
  • The Celebration was held in the school auditorium in the “CENTENARY BLOCK”.
  • The programme began with a prayer song by the school girls invoking the blessings of the Almighty. Undoubtedly it is His sustained guidance and support that has made us reach this milestone of success.
  • Mrs.Kavitha delivered the welcome address. The Centennial Motto was revealed to the audience by the chief guest- Chief Educational Officer Shri.Hariharan. Our Headmistress Rev.Sr.Teresa hoisted the centenary flag, which was followed by the centenary song sung by the students.
  • A short skit was enacted by the students. It depicted the history of the school since inception.
  • Melodious tunes soothed our ears during the light music programme conducted by the school orchestra. The western dance captivated us with its rhythmic movements.
  • Our Chief Guest – Shri.Hariharan distributed the prizes to the winners of the Science Exhibition. This was followed by the President’s Speech. During his speech, the CEO congratulated the school for securing 100% results. He assured that he would render every help for further improvement. He appreciated the school for the social awareness programmes to be held during the year.
  • He expresses his wish that the school should grow into a college and thereforth into a university. May his words come true! He focused on the all-round development of the children and insisted that the students should not only progress in academic field but also strive to become better citizens of the country.
  • It was an inspiring speech, which kindled in each of us a deep desire to do our best for the hundred-year-old Alma Mater. Mrs.Janci rendered the vote of thanks.
  • The Inaugural Programme ended happily with the National Anthem played by the School Band.

Diary of Events

Centenary Celebratory events will be going on throughout the year with the children in school. We celebrate the centenary year with a sense of gratitude for all that had been and with the hope that Holy Cross would continue to shine and enlighten many more hearts and minds. The theme chosen for the celebration is “Enlightened to Enlighten”. The core group was formed during the month of September involving Parents, teachers, old students and the members of the management. The planned events drafted for the year 2004-2005.

Welcome to Holy Cross Centenary Celebration

It features all the details of our fun packed 3 days celebration.
August 10th, 11th, 12th – 2005

Date Meeting
Aug 10th Eucharistic Celebration at 8.30 a.m
Centenary Exhibition (Inauguration)
Evening - Cultural programme
Honouring the retired Teachers, Correspondents, and Headmistress
Aug 11th Alumnae Day
Aug 12th Cultural programme - Souvenir
We Care Project (Financial assistance to be given to twenty deserving students of the ecnomically weaker section of the society to complete their Higher Secondary Education)
Prize distribution

Alumnae Day

The alumnae day which was held on 11th August 2005, was a wonderful celebration in Holy Cross history. Past pupils, parents and teachers attended the celebration. It was a fantastic evening in wonderful surroundings. A day to remember.

Timing Meeting
11 a.m Business Meet
12 p.m - 1.30 p.m Fabulous OSA Lunch
1.30 p.m -3.30 p.m Fellowship and viewing of exhibitions
3.30 p.m - 5.00 p.m Games & Tea at the auditorium
5.30 p.m - 7 p.m Culturals
Welcoming the Chief Guest
Honouring Eminent Holy Crossians
Variety Entertainment / Games
Distribution of Prizes / Mementos
Dazzling Fire works display.

Photo History

Here are a few snap shots of Holy Cross’ 100th Birthday celebrations for you.

Cherishable Moments

Centenary celebrations are the auspicious time to reflect the memories of the past in the school campus. For this we would like to find our Crossians over the past 100years to leave their memories in the form of photographs or any other information at aihss@holycross-ais.org, so that we stay connected and cherish the moments spent in our sprawling campus.

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Faculty List

Teaching Staff

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
  • Sr. Motha Lucy Francisca Fatima
  • Sr. Celine
  • Sr. Maria Helena
  • Sr. Melani Shelly
  • Mrs. Veera Helan Shanthi
  • Mrs. Terminsa
  • Mrs. Annie Beulah
  • Mrs. Jean Benola
  • Mrs. Nihila Fernando
  • Mrs. Sangeetha
  • Mrs. Arockia Anbu Malar
  • Mrs. Ponselvi
  • Mrs. Evangeline Pushpa
  • Mrs. Maria Jenifer
  • Mrs. W. Jenifer
  • Mrs. Jhoncy Arul Packia
  • Mrs. Vinora
  • Mrs. Sheela Felix
  • Mrs. Virgin Lolita Fernando
  • Mrs. Antony Arulseeli
  • Mrs.Litwin Fernando
  • Mrs. Kavitha Mascrenhas
  • Mrs. Jeyageetha
  • Mrs. Mary Arockia Jancy Rani
  • Mrs. Devotta Argia
  • Mrs. Babiyola Machado
  • Mrs. Maria Shamin Frasa
  • Mrs. Lawrance Infia
  • Mrs. Virgin Andrews Christabel
  • Mrs. Vinosha
  • Mrs. I. Sophia
  • Mrs. Veronika Leena
  • Mrs. Angel
  • Mrs. Amal Sophia
  • Mrs. Sujitha Therese
  • Mrs. Roseline
  • Mrs. Maria Sahaya Teena
  • Mrs. Anton Navis Jeyanthi
  • Mrs. Mary Vanitha
  • Mrs. Maria Bibiyana Helina
  • Mrs. Fantina Fernando
  • Mrs. Magleena Paulin Deboral
  • Miss.S. Grace Rachel
  • Miss. Arockia Febroni Fernando
  • Mrs. Delina
  • Mrs. Sabitha Meera
  • Mrs. Rajapushpam
  • Mrs. Yamini Corera
  • Mrs. N. Jenifer
  • Mrs. Vandhana Jeyashree
  • Mrs. Vani
  • Mrs. Agnes

Non-Teaching Staff & Supporting staff

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School
  • Sr. Anbarasi
  • Mrs. Sagayareeda Fernando
  • Mrs. Mary Sagaya Gragoria
  • Mrs. Jenitta
  • Mrs. Anton Rufina Devi
  • Mrs. Anandhi
  • Mrs. Fatima Hema Latha
  • Mrs. Nancy
  • Mrs. Josephine
  • Mrs. JeyaRani
  • Mrs. Ramalakshmi
  • Mrs. Pon Muthu Mari
  • Mrs. Poomari
  • Mrs. Shanmuga kani
  • Mr. Sathis Kumar
  • Mr. Suresh
  • Mr. Murugan